![CANDLE, Candle, Haeckels, Mr Mullan's General Store, [variant_title], [option1], [option2], [option3]. We recommend using the default value. Default value is: CANDLE - Mr Mullan's General Store](http://www.mrmullans.com/cdn/shop/products/GLASS-CANDLE-12-0-E-600x600-2_grande.png?v=1569929658)
Candle / GPS 12’ 0”E
Picked on 23rd july 2014 / Sunny Day
With waves smashing into the sea defenses below sits a ruined abbey, graveyard and wild , overgrown fields. Remnants of more recent uses are now overgrown and covered over with blackberries, raspberries and sea lavender. The salt water spraying up onto the path and the grass leaves small puddles so that the smell of the sea is carried by the wind to mix with the berries, flowers and wild parsley to create a fragrance that is fresh, but shows the history that surrounds this place in every direction. There is a feeling here of something that was once important and loved but has now been given back to nature to heal and be washed away, into the sea.
Candle / GPS 23’ 34”N
Picked on 25th March 2014 / Sunny Day
This location is one that is close to our hearts, an uninhabited bay with remnants of beach use in times gone by and only a raw natural beauty left behind to enjoy. A man made bathing pool bridges the gap between the sea and land, an iconic reminder of a past popularity and a link between man and effects on the nature of the landscape. Walk along the sandy beach with sand and salt on your skin and take in the aromas of fresh seaweed, the chalk reef and seawater. Listen to the sound of the wind blowing through the long cliff top grasses, black lovage and distinctive white flowers.
Candle / GPS 23’ 5”N
Picked on 9th February 2014 / Cloudy Day
Originally a 19th century amusement park with ceremonial gardens, this place is the historic center of the town with many people sharing fond memories of being on the now disappeared rides. The most prominent memory that is widely shared is riding the large wooden scenic railway style roller coaster which once had over half a million people use it every year. To experience this location is to walk around this monumental disused ride, itself a victim of arson, with the scent of burnt wood and charred leather surrounding you to then find yourself at the back of the site where there was once the ornamental gardens. The fragrance of the burnt ride gives way instead to the Victorian roses that are still growing where they were originally planted and have seen the amusement park in its journey from popularity to demolition and finally now to a resurrection as the remaining burnt ride is restored.
Candle / GPS 22’ 41”E
Picked on 6th August / Rainy Day
One of our strangest locations out of all our perfumes, this place is a historical part of a town where the present and the past sit side by side; The location is surrounded by large pine trees which have been standing for many years whilst between these larger trees grows a huge number of unusual and unexpected trees which have thrived through cross pollination and careful tending. Every year more and more plants are brought to this area and their seeds are dispersed so that they will either live to grow or lay dormant on the moss covered wet earth. A mist seems to always lay over this place which suits its subdued beauty, a place of natural important but also one which shows the relationship between life and death.
Candle / GPS 19’ 51”E
Picked on 6th August / Rainy Day
A winding country path, overlooked by a single apple tree and a large bush of Elder, leads up to the crumbling walls and grasses ditches of an old Roman fort. The scent of this secluded lane is blown up by the wind from the rolling farm land beyond; the scent of poppies, spearmint, bindweed and wild parsley is met with elderflower, apple and grass to create one of our most intrinsically English fragrances and locations.
Candle / GPS 21 ’30”E
Picked on 23rd july 2014 / Sunny Day
Unkempt beauty, a natural haven to birds, insects and animals of all shapes and sizes but accessible for man to wonder at its beauty and roam its paths. Along the side of each of these beautiful walks is fennel; growing from bulb to high hollow stemmed bush whilst on the salt marsh that lays between you and sea can be seen orchids, salt marsh thrift and marsh grasses. Remnants of an industrial past lay all around, clues to its history but all this is thrown into a shadow as the natural beauty of this place truly takes over; the senses are met at all sides with sights, smells and textures which makes walking through and experiencing it a special journey.